ICIS Travel Awards

ICIS is pleased to announce Travel awards offered for ICIS members.  Please note the various open and close dates for each award.

Undergraduate Travel Awards

Opens January 22, 2024
Closes February 23, 2024 at 23:59 Central Standard Time

With grant support from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, ICIS is pleased to fund undergraduate students to travel to the International Congress of Infant Studies in 2024.  We welcome applications from student authors whose work has been accepted for presentation at the conference and from students who are interested in learning more about infancy research.

Applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate students at the time the award is granted, but are allowed to use the funds for travel even if they graduate in the spring, prior to the conference.  Applicants from underrepresented groups (ethnic and racial minorities, first-generation college students, as well as members of various other diverse groups), are especially encouraged to apply.  Factors considered in the determination of the awards will include:

    1. Applicant’s personal statement regarding the award’s career impact potential
    2. Applicant’s involvement to date in developmental research or preparation (e.g. coursework, relevant field experience, author on a poster accepted to the conference, etc)
    3. Applicant’s underrepresented group status
    4. Financial need including whether you have access to other funds (personal, family, lab supervisor).

Applications for travel awards should be submitted electronically (starting January 22, 2024):

    1. A short (<500 word) essay explicitly addressing the four criteria above, in the order listed
    2. Anticipated travel costs – provide two quotes, including screen shots from travel sites like Travelocity and Kayak. Plan to arrive by the afternoon of July 8 and depart late on July 11 or early July 12.
    3. A letter of support from a faculty member, submitted on college/university letterhead. Faculty members should comment on the student’s motivation to conduct or learn more about developmental research and how attending the conference will advance the student’s long term goals.  In addition, the committee would like to know whether the faculty member plans to attend the conference and whether he/she will be able to mentor the applicant to facilitate a positive conference experience.  If the faculty member cannot attend, a mentor will be assigned to the awardee by the ICIS Undergraduate Committee.

Determination of award recipients and amounts will be conducted by the ICIS Undergraduate Committee.  Funds may be used for transportation, lodging, food and/or child-care expenses pertaining to attending the conference.  Distribution of monies is contingent upon proper documentation of expenses and submission of receipts.

Questions can be addressed to Sam Putnam or Martha Arterberry.


Submissions are now closed


Scholar (Faculty/Researcher) Travel Awards

Opens January 22, 2024
Closes February 23, 2024 at 23:59 Central Standard Time


Funded by:

With funding from A*STAR, ICIS will provide an award to support participation of faculty/researchers from under-represented geographies at the 2024 International Congress of Infant Studies. The award will be awarded based on alignment between applicants’ research and ICIS, and geographical diversity.

We will provide 1 award of $2,500 and complimentary registration to the ICIS conference. Funds may be used for transportation, lodging, and food pertaining to attending the conference.  Funds will be wire transferred to the successful applicants upon their on-site registration at the Congress.


To be eligible, a candidate must:

  • Be an ICIS Member in good standing or, if not currently a member, join ICIS upon receipt of the award,
  • Submit all required documentation through the online application form before the deadline,
  • Answer questions regarding participation in the ICIS Congress, specifically (1) how does the applicants’ research relate to ICIS and (2) what the applicant hopes to achieve at the ICIS Congress.

Note, submission to the ICIS 2024 conference is not required as a condition of award.

Application process

Applications for Scholar travel awards should be submitted by completing the Submission Form that will be posted here on January 22nd, 2024.

Determination of award recipients and amounts will be conducted by the ICIS Awards Committee.

Inquiries regarding the Scholar Travel Awards should be addressed to 


Submissions are now closed


ICIS Graduate Student Travel Awards

Submit via the abstract submission form:
Now closed

This year, ICIS will be funding travel awards to graduate students (Masters and PhDs) to the International Congress of Infant Studies in 2024.  Awards will be awarded based on scientific merit, taking into account Under Represented Minority (URM) status and geographical diversity. We welcome applications from student presenting authors whose work has been accepted for presentation (symposium or poster) at the conference.

The award consists of:

  • Europe: $600 + complimentary Congress registration as waived by ICIS
  • International: $1,100 + complimentary Congress registration as waived by ICIS

Funds may be used for transportation, lodging, food and/or child-care expenses pertaining to attending the conference.  Funds will be wire transferred to the successful applicants upon their on-site registration at the Congress.


1/ Must be student member of ICIS in good standing

2/ Must be a presenting author on an accepted presentation (symposia, oral or poster).  Late breaking abstracts presenting authors will not be considered due to review time and score consistency.

3/ Must be Graduate student at the time of application for the award: Master and PhD. Not a PostDoc.

Application process

Applications for travel awards should be submitted via the abstract submission portal.

Determination of award recipients will be conducted by the ICIS Graduate Travel Awards Committee.

Inquiries regarding the Graduate Travel Awards should be addressed to

Simons Foundation Travel Awards
Awarded to young scholars from backgrounds underrepresented in science.


  • Eligibility is limited to current graduate students or those who have received a PhD or equivalent degree within the past ten years.
  • All applicants are required to be the presenting author on their accepted poster or presentation or be an undergraduate or staff researcher who played a major role in the research, or the research to be presented was conducted while the awardee was an undergraduate or staff researcher. Priority will be given to first authors and authors of presentations receiving the highest peer review ratings in the formal ICIS review process
  • The awardees must be from a racial, ethnic or disability group that has been historically under represented in science (according to the NIH URM standards)
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