Infancy, the official journal of the International Congress on Infant Studies, emphasizes the highest quality original research on normal and aberrant infant development during the first two years. Both human and animal research are included.
About the Journal
Infancy, the official journal of the International Congress on Infant Studies, emphasizes the highest quality original research on normal and aberrant infant development during the first two years. Both human and animal research are included. In addition to regular length research articles and brief reports (3000-word maximum), the journal includes solicited target articles along with a series of commentaries; debates, in which different theoretical positions are presented along with a series of commentaries; and thematic collections, a group of three to five reports or summaries of research on the same issue, conducted independently at different laboratories, with invited commentaries.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
- Academic Search Alumni Edition (EBSCO Publishing)
- Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Publishing)
- Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)
- Advanced Placement Source (EBSCO Publishing)
- ArticleFirst (OCLC)
- Child Development & Adolescent Studies (EBSCO Publishing)
- CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (EBSCO Publishing)
- Electronic Collections Online (OCLC)
- Embase (Elsevier)
- Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Central: Professional Edition (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Education Journals (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Health & Medical Complete (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Psychology Journals (ProQuest)
- ProQuest Research Library (ProQuest)
- PsycINFO/Psychological Abstracts (APA)
- SCOPUS (Elsevier)
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
- Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
- infancy
- infant studies
- International Congress of Infant Studies
- infant development
- developmental psychology
- psychology
- child development
- pediatrics
- neuroscience
- nursing
- education
Lisa M. Oakes, University of California Davis
Lisa M. Oakes
University of California Davis
In addition to her academic appointment in the Department of Psychology, Lisa Oakes is a faculty member with the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain. She is a member of several professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Sciences, the Cognitive Development Society, the Cognitive Science Society, the International Congress of Infant Studies, and the Society for Research in Child Development. Her book Developmental Cascades: Building the Infant Mind, written with David Rakison, was published in 2019 by Oxford University Press and was awarded the 2022 Eleanor Maccoby Book Award in Developmental Psychology, by APA Division. She served as an associate editor of Infancy from 2008 to 2013.
Associate Editors
Alejandrina Cristia
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Alejandrina Cristia is a senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), leader of the Language Acquisition Across Cultures team, at the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique (LSCP) cohosted by the Ecole Normale Supérieure, EHESS, and PSL. Her long-term aim is to shed light on the child language development, both descriptively and mechanistically. To this end, her team draws methods and insights from linguistics, psychology, anthropology, economics, and speech technology. This interdisciplinary approach has resulted in over 100 publications in international journals and conferences. With an interest in cumulative, collaborative, and transparent science, she co-founded the first meta-meta-analysis platform ( and several international networks, including DAylong Recordings of Children’s Language Environment (, and the Consortium on Language Variation in Input Environments around the World (LangVIEW), which aims to increase participant and researcher diversity in language development studies. She received the 2017 John S. McDonnell Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition, the 2020 Médaille de Bronze CNRS Section Linguistique, and an ERC Consolidator Award (2021-2026) for the [ExELang]( project.
Tilbe Göksun
Koç University
Tilbe Göksun is a Professor of Psychology at Koç University, Turkey and the director of the Language & Cognition Lab ( She received her PhD in Psychology from Temple University in 2010 and held a postdoctoral research position at the University of Pennsylvania between 2010-2013, before joining Koç University. Her primary research involves language-thought interaction across developmental time, early language learning, and multimodal language processing and production in different populations. Her work employs interdisciplinary perspectives, focusing on multi-method and cross-linguistic research with multilevel analyses.
Lisa Scott
University of Florida
Dr. Scott is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Florida. The overarching goal of her research is to advance understanding of the processes underlying visual attention, perception, and categorization during infancy. Her work examines the importance of experience for learning and how different early experiences lead to different developmental outcomes. She utilizes measures of looking time and visual-fixations using eye-tracking as well as electrophysiological and structural measures of brain development (EEG, MRI).
Eric A. Walle
University of California, Merced
Eric Walle is a professor of developmental psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of California, Merced. He completed his PhD at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests focus on emotion, social and emotional development, and the impact of developmental transitions (e.g., crawling, walking) on psychological functioning. Professor Walle also serves as an Associate Editor for the journals Emotion Review and Affective Science.
Founding Editor
Leslie B. Cohen
Full Editorial Team
David Anderson
San Francisco State University
Elika Bergelson
Duke University
Christina Bergmann
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Erika London Bocknek
Wayne State University
John Colombo
University of Kansas
Alejandrina Cristia
Ecole normale supérieure, PSL University, EHESS, CNRS
Moritz M. Daum
University of Zurich
Lauren L Emberson
Princeton University
Cynthia Frosch
University of North Texas
Sarah A Gerson
Cardiff University
Teodora Gliga
University of East Anglia
Gustaf Gredebäck
Uppsala University
Tobias Grossmann
University of Virginia
Kiley Hamlin
University of British Columbia
Jane S. Herbert
University of Wollongong
Barbara Höhle
Universität Potsdam
Shoji Itakura
Kyoto University
Emily Jones
Birkbeck, University of London
Marina Kalashnikova
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Jordy Kaufman
Swinburne University of Technology
Natasha Z. Kirkham
Birkbeck University of London
Casey Lew-Williams
Princeton University
Zoe Liberman
University of California – Santa Barbara
Ulf Liszkowski
University of Hamburg
Viola Macchi Cassia
University of Milano-Bicocca
Olivier Pascalis
Univ Grenoble Alpes – CNRS
Vasudevi Reddy
University of Portsmouth
Anne Rifkin-Graboi
Nanyang Technological University
Cintia Rodríguez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Shannon Ross-Sheehy
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Jenny Saffran
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Alessandra Sansavini
University of Bologna
Laura Scaramella
University of New Orleans
Lisa S. Scott
University of Florida
Rose Scott
University of California – Merced
Graham Schafer
University of Reading
Sylvain Sirois
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Ernő Téglás
Central European University
Feng-Ming Tsao
National Taiwan University
Ichiro Uchiyama
Doshisha University
Claire Vallotton
Michigan State University
Eric A. Walle
University of California, Merced
Katherine White
University of Waterloo
Pei Jun Woo
Sunway University
Henny Yeung
Simon Fraser University
Daniel Yurovsky
University of Chicago