In our recent Newsletter, we introduced the new ICIS Communications Committee team members for the 2024-2027 cycle. In addition to Kiley Hamlin, Vanessa LoBue, Jessica Bradshaw, and Ron Seifer, and with thanks to outgoing members Mireille Babineau and Sheena Carter, we would like to introduce the five new members joining the team:

Amanda Delgado, M.A. is a doctoral student at the University of Delaware specializing in Learning Sciences. She conducts research on ways children engage with and learn from storybooks and digital media, as well as investigates methods to promote children’s spatial development. Amanda organizes the Newsletter and produces content for the parent-directed Instagram account. She loves to cook and attend concerts, and is a Mini Crossword enthusiast. She can be found on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

Samantha Gott, M.A. is an experimental psychology Ph.D. candidate with a concentration in behavioral neuroscience at Florida Atlantic University. Her focus is on developmental neurophysiology, neurogenetics, and neurochemistry. She is investigating coherence electroencephalography (EEG), oxytocin, and cortisol measures in relation to temperament, biobehavioral and neurological activity, and epigenetic programming features in infancy and across development. Samantha gathers new resources from various members and sources for ICIS members’ professional development for the newsletter, networks with developmental scientists, and creates the communications committees surveys. She enjoys getting out into nature with friends and family whenever possible. She can be found on LinkedIn.

Ixchel Peyrot Negrete, PhD is a research collaborator in the Infant Laboratory of the Faculty of Psychology in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. During her PhD she studied mental rotation through the Intermodal Preferential Looking Paradigm (IPLP) and its relation with language in 12-months-old infants. Currently, she continues to work on that topic with 18-and-24-months-old infants. Ixchel runs the TikTok and YouTube channels. She loves to do mobile photography, dancing and coffee. She can be found on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

Maheen Siddiqui, PhD is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck. During her PhD, Maheen developed a novel type of multi-modal neuroimaging system that combined near-infrared spectroscopy with EEG to obtain simultaneous measures of neural activity, haemodynamics and energy metabolism in infants, allowing investigation of neurovascular coupling. She is currently expanding on this line of work to explore typical development, neurodevelopmental disorders and clinical populations using multi-modal neuroimaging. Maheen produces content for the Instagram account. She is a mum of two who loves cooking and cross-fit. She also runs the Diversity in Developmental Science Network. She can be found on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

Rui Qi Choo, PhD is a Research Fellow at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Associate Faculty at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. In her PhD she studied the speech patterns of Singaporean children learning Mandarin. She then helped develop protocols for measuring language metrics (e.g., mean length utterance) in multilingual translanguaging Singapore and has a keen interest in the kinship terms of address that multilingual Singaporean families use. She also teaches Developmental Psychology and bilingualism- related modules at SUSS. Rui Qi posts about Infancy papers on the Twitter/X, Bluesky, LinkedIn Page and LinkedIn account pages and produces content for the Instagram account. She dabbles in doodling, Chinese calligraphy and making kasut manek (beaded shoes) when she’s not chipping away at her research data or teaching. She can be found on Twitter/X, Bluesky and LinkedIn.
If you’ve recently published a paper in Infancy, or are doing something exciting that we would like to share with everyone else, look out for our emails contacting you!